Saturday, September 28, 2013


Sunday morning and my weekend is almost over.... afternoon and evening just fly out of the window....

Going to catch up with some of the movies I have not seen ....

Time to get busy.....

Ash : )

Friday, September 27, 2013


Just got back from an early morning drive ..... streets were practically empty, no bright, hot sun and most importantly no traffic.

Just some fine classics going on in the background, soft engine hum and miles of road ahead.  Some fine weather too.

You just can't beat the soft rush you get when you are behind the wheel and you feel the sensation of movement.

There was a light drizzle which added some surreal effect to the whole exercise too.

Can't wait to go again .... may be next month..... let's see....

and while I have you here..... please be responsible..... don't drink and drive.....

Ash : )

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friends are there....


It's Friday today and want to wish all of you a bright happy weekend ahead.  

While I was at work I bumped into a guy who was a trainee about a year back and at that time I had helped him overcome some short comings he had while getting ready to hit the production floor ( he would become an associate and not be in On The Job Training  (OJT) phase anymore ).

And boy had he changed.... he was much,much more confident about himself, he was really cheerful and above all he remembered me .... infact he cheered me up by what little we discussed in a few brief minutes we had while I was moving off to another department to meet another person.

Well, you guessed it.... we all get by with a little help from our friends.... and I use the term "friends" really lightly here..... coz I never actually got the chance to stay in touch with the guy... I mean different processes, different shifts...... lot of internal company changes as well the different timings of breaks and meetings etc. etc.

But this friend made out instantly that I needed some buddy help.... and boy did he step forward : )

So it really does not matter who it is or when or where.... you do a good deed to someone.... and wham!..... that good deed will come back to you someday in some shape or form or what have you....

It's hard nowadays to find friends to stick by you through thick and thin but going by yesterday's encounter I feel really relieved .... I don't mind if my previous friends are busy or I have not met them or have not heard from them... I keep meeting new people and just by being a good person and building some good will .... I leave a good impression and that is what people remember later..... how you made them feel......

Even though the best of friends part.... am glad that new ones come along.... especially when I need them the most.

So here's to all my friends out there.... in whatever shape or form they are in .....and here's to you, the new ones too..... can't wait to meet you and learn from you and share this brief time we have in our hectic lives ....

Ash : )

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Read, read, read and some more reading....

Hi there,

Thanks for dropping by and having a looksie on my blog....

You know I really love to read .... and not just books .... I am talking newspapers, books, e-magazines, more magazines, comics, graphic novels..... you name it I like to read it.....

And while this is my first blog .... I know that someday I will look back on this and read it as if I were the reader not the creator of this page...

That said .... let me jump into things..... I want to keep this blog as interesting as possible so yes please do leave your feedback, comments, stories and so on....

I want that this blog should have its own soul... it should literally speak out to you the kind reader who has stopped what they are doing to just glance through here.... so yes it will be brief....

Lastly I want to try and just perhaps make you feel a bit at home.... you my readers should feel as if you could stop, take a load off and enjoy the brief read I will provide from my side....

From time to time I am also going to try and post some pics of life the way I see it..... so lets get this thing started already....

Ash : )